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Endocrine Health

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  • Supports all three Treasures, Jing Qi and Shen
  • Supports and helps regulate endocrine functions
  • Supports the adrenals and thyroid
  • Supports thymus gland functioning
  • Powerful adaptogenic formula
Chinese Ginseng, Rehmannia Prepared, Schizandra, Eucommia Bark, Dang Gui, Cornus, Dioscoria Yam, Goji Berry, Poria, Chinese Licorice, Epimedium, Red Jujube Date
Take 3 capsules, 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare professional.
Traditional Function
Tonifies Qi, Yin Jing and Yang Jing * Enters through the Kidney, Liver, Spleen and Lung channels. This regulating formula goes to the core of the body. The overall temperature is neutral.
Who can use it?
100 Capsules, 500mg each
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Chinese Ginseng
Chinese Ginseng
Chinese Ginseng
Rehmannia prepared
Rehmannia prepared
Rehmannia prepared

Called the “quintessence of Chinese herbs,” Schizandra is a delicious, exotic tonic fruit traditionally used to tonify all the systems of the body, nourish and moisturize the skin, and sharpen the mind.

Eucommia bark
Eucommia bark
Eucommia bark
Dang Gui
Dang Gui
Dang Gui
Dioscoria Yam
Dioscoria Yam
Dioscoria Yam
Goji Berry
Goji Berry
Goji Berry

Known in Asia as a premier “longevity and anti-aging herb,” this delicious tonic fruit is a true superfood, exhibiting antioxidant activity. It is famous for enhancing strength, vision and beauty. Goji features immune system-supporting polysaccharides.

Chinese Licorice
Chinese Licorice
Chinese Licorice
Red Jujube Date
Red Jujube Date
Red Jujube Date

Product Description

Endocrine Health contains herbs known to support the endocrine system. This formula tonifies and supports the entire endocrine system. Endocrine Health is a dietary supplement composed exclusively of tonic herbs and is not for the treatment or prevention of any condition. It is a general tonic formulation with broad spectrum tonic actions. It is both a Yin tonic and a Yang tonic. This formulation tonifies all Three Treasures, Jing, Qi and Shen very effectively. For those wishing to use just one tonic formula, this would be an excellent choice.* All herbs in Endocrine Health are Di Tao, meaning they are superior quality and come from a historically authentic source.

Ingredients: Chinese Ginseng root, Prepared Rehmannia root, Schizandra fruit, Eucommia bark, Dang Gui root, Cornus fruit, Chinese Yam rhizome, Goji berries, Poria sclerotium, Chinese Licorice root, Epimedium leaf, Red Jujube Dates.

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