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The year can be naturally divided into two main phases: the months during which the days become longer, lighter and warmer (Yang), and the months during which the days become shorter, darker and colder (Yin). These two periods can be further split. Thus, there are four cardinal phases to the yearly cycle – the seasons. Fall is the beginning of Yin (Yin within Yang) and Winter is full blown Yin (Full Yin). And Spring is the beginning of the Yang (Yang within Yin) and Summer being full blown Yang (Full Yang).
We are a product of nature. The four seasons’ yinyang transformation has profound impact on our health. We should take measures proactively to adapt to the seasonal changes rather being impacted or overwhelmed by them. Our Yin-Yang should synchronize with nature’s Yin-Yang. Here are some tips for the syncing with the four seasons.
How is the weather?If your herbalists ask you this question, they are not trying to be social. Climatic and environmental factors are an important consideration in designing an effective PERSONALIZED herbal program based on your needs, location and time. |
Yang within Yin
Full Yang
Yin within Yang
Full Yin
The Earth Element plays two key roles within the seasons: (1) during each season and (2) at the transition period from one season to another.
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