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  • 1
    1-3 B-glucans

    Polysaccharides, considered to be quintessential nutrients for the immune system; found in plants, and especially mushrooms like Agaricus and Reishi, among others. 

  • 3
    3 Treasures: Jing, Qi and Shen

    Zhou Jing said, “Jing, Qi and Shen activate the human being.”
    The 3 Treasures are the three fundamental kinds
    of energy in the body, and are to be regarded as priceless treasures of our life:
    Jing supports the production and maintenance of all cell growth, reproduction and the energy to convert raw material to blood and energy (Qi). Jing is a prime determining factor of lifespan and the power of one’s life. Qi controls the digestive and respiratory functions and provides the energy to circulate and deliver nutrients throughout the body. Qi provides the power of defense and adaptability. Shen guides our mental, psychological and emotional functions and balance and is connected to the Supreme Ultimate. The loss of any of the Three Treasures is a loss of life force. The Three Treasures can be cultivated (increased and harmonized) through various life cultivation methods, especially through conscious breathing and tonic herbs. (See 31 Tips for a full list of methods that enhance the 3 Treasures) 

  • A
    Action, the ability to take

    A function of the Will (Zhi), through courage, purpose and power (Jing), supported by the energy (Qi), guided by clarity, intention and balance of mind and emotion (Shen). 

    Active constituents

    The active substances in a plant or substance that is biologically or metabolically active. Though a plant may be said to have one or a few “primary constituents,” some may have many “active constituents.” Gynostemma has well over 140 active constituents; Reishi has about 1,000 active constituents. 


    The ability to respond appropriately and efficiently to change, whether internal or external, sudden and short-term or continuous, while maintaining within the laws of nature. Accurate adaptability is a primal function of life. Ron Teeguarden says: “Adaptability is the measure of your life.” 

    Adaptogenic herb/s

    Herbs that enhance the body’s own “adaptive” mechanism that comes into play as needed by the body, as when under significant stress, excess work or demand situations, or when the immune system needs to increase resistance to external influences — in order to restore homeostasis. Many of the most powerful tonic herbs are adaptogenic. They are sometimes referred to as adaptogens.


    The two endocrine glands located above the kidney organs, consisting of the cortex which secrete hormones and the medulla which secrete epinephrine, the source of our “fight or flight” response. Famously, the adrenals may be depleted and even exhausted by excessive stress, requiring rest and tonic herbs to restore them to full vitality.

    Aging, healthfully and wisely

    Experiencing un-ending vitality, equanimity and freedom from limitation no matter our age throughout the natural and normal slowing of body systems, while creating a positive and enriching process of growing in wisdom, balance, peace and spiritual pursuits free from the typical signs of aging. The avoidance of premature aging through conscious maintenance of diet, consumption of tonic herbs and superfoods, conscious exercise and deep breathing, full deep restorative sleep and meditation. (See 31 Tips for a Long and Healthy Life by Ron Teeguarden)

    Alkalizing elements and foods

    Many modern people are too acidic as a result of consuming too much acidic foods and beverages. Alkalizing foods and beverages, such as alkaline water, contain substances and constituents that promote a more alkaline condition in the body. Alkalizing foods contain alkalizing elements such as calcium, sodium and potassium. Besides alkaline water, colored vegetables contain the most alkaline elements. Chlorophyll is very powerful. Superfood blends like Tonic Alchemy are alkalizing.


    Alkaloids are synthesized by plants and are often the active principle of the crude substance. Alkaloids are not, however, the main active constituents of most tonic herbs and superfoods.


    Powerful antioxidants, providing a broad range of health benefits. These natural plant pigments range from red to purple to blue. Anthocyanins occur in all tissues of higher plants, including roots, leaves, stems and fruits, but dominate in very colorful parts. Related phytochemicals include anthoxanthins, which are clear, white to yellow substances occurring in plants, and anthocyanidins from which anthocyanins are derived. 

    Anti-caking agent

    An additive placed in powdered or granulated materials to prevent the formation of lumps (caking) and for easing packaging, transport, and consumption. They function either by absorbing excess moisture or by coating particles and making them water- repellent. Anti-caking agents fall under the category of excipients. Excipients can be natural or synthetic. Most brands of food and dietary supplements use synthetic excipients. Dragon Herbs does not. We use bamboo, tapioca or rice bran powder, all of which have anti-caking benefits and aid in digestion. 


    An agent or molecule that inhibits oxidation; any of numerous chemical substances including certain natural innate body products, such as SOD or glutathione, and nutrients that can neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances. Tonic herbs and superfoods are universally antioxidant, and some are among the most potent known to humankind (See Shilajit, Gynostemma, Goji, Resveratrol, etc.) 

    Aromatic herbs

    Herbs that have a pleasing aroma due to concentration of essential oils that help to move energy, promote digestion and help balance excess fluids in the body. Many herbs have wonderful aromatic qualities, which often contribute to their effects. Among these are the mints, spices, members of the angelica family (Dang Gui, Ashitaba and many others), and many fruits and owers. 

    Aromatic oils

    A group of vegetable-based oils having interesting, sometimes quite potent, and generally-agreeable fragrance profiles. Essential oils used in aromatherapy fall into this category, as do aromatic herbal oils like Ginseng, Schizandra and Dang Gui. 

    Assistant Herbs

    Herbs that are included in the formula to support the function of the monarch and minister herbs and balance the delivery and effects of the total formula. 


    The primary bio-active components of Astragalus membranaceus, the most potent being Astragaloside IV, which is singularly responsible for many of the actions of the super-herb Astragalus. However, it is the “totalastragaloside” fraction that allows Astragaloside IV to perform optimally, so they are used together to optimize beneficial effects.

    Astringency/ Astringent

    Refers to actions that draw something together or arrest persistent exhaustion of the fundamental substances such as Qi, blood and body fluids. The action is especially carried out by the Kidneys and enhanced by herbs with sour tastes.


    Abbreviation for adenosine triphosphate; a nucleoside triphosphate, a small but surprising molecule used in cells as a coenzyme often called the “molecular unit of currency” of intracellular energy transfer.


    A bodhisattva depicted with100 arms, and the embodiment of all-embracing compassion.

  • B

    The primary ingredient in Scutellaria baicalensis, commonly known as Scute, is a flavone glycoside which activates AMPK and has been shown to be a highly protective natural ingredient.


    Body and mind equilibrium under all circumstances due to profound regulatory functions of the body, optimized and ultimately enhanced through the nourishment of the Three Treasures of tonic herbs, meditation and natural living.


    The outward manifestation and reflection of our internal health — the quality, quantity and circulation of healthy blood and body fluids; the full energy and clarity of Lungs for skin luminosity and tone; the health and balanced flow of blood and energy from the Liver function for eyes & nails; the strength and upright Qi of the Spleen function for tautness of face, form & figure; the balanced regulation and nutrition of the Heart function for full circulation of blood, fully restorative sleep; and the fortitude and resilience of our Kidney function for quick rejuvenation, energy and vitality, luxurious hair, charisma and compassion.

    Belt channel

    The extraordinary meridian known as Dai Mai that encircles the body at the region of the hips and acts as a connector through all of the longitudinal yin and yang meridians.

    Beta 1,3-D-glucan; Beta 1,6-D-glucan

    Beta glucans comprise a group of β-D glucose polysaccharides naturally occurring in the cell walls of fungi. 

    Birth/Birth Recovery

    Generally considered the greatest drain of a woman’s Jing and requiring Three Treasure and Blood replenishment for complete renewal. 

    Bliss Tea

    Supertonic herbs combined with flavorful tea mixtures of various black and green teas, herbs, owers, fruits and botanicals for deliciously delightful daily brews for easy consumption and continued health. 


    The term “blood” is used as a broad term to describe the physical blood in the body that moistens the muscles, tissues, skin and hair, as well as nourishing the cells and organs. Internally, it circulates to the organs, and externally, it flows to skin, flesh, bones and muscles. It provides nutrients for organs, tissues and meridians; maintains healthy body movement and sensation; and aids the mind in mental activities. 

    Blood tonics

    Herbal preparations, substances and foods that nourish and replenish blood and its vital components, designed to sustain and restore ultimate harmony of the body. 

    Blood vitalizing

    Herbs, herbal preparations, substances, foods, exercise, breathing and massage techniques that stimulate and help maintain the complete and proper circulation of blood and Qi . 

    Body Constitution

    The constitution of each person is influenced by congenital and acquired factors, and this varies from person to person. The body’s metabolism, functioning of organs and organ structure all combine to determine the physical and mental foundation and fortitude of an individual. Constitutions can range from very Yang to very Yin. It is very difficult to alter one’s constitution, but it is possible to shift it somewhat and to make up for deficiencies. 

    Body Fluids

    Refers to the different types of physiological fluids found in the body, including fluids in the organs and tissues, lymph, gastric fluid, intestinal fluid, semen, tears and many others. Classified as one of the fundamental substances, healthy body fluids are essential to life’s activities. 

    Bones and Joints

    In TCM, Jing — the Kidneys — rule the bones. Kidney essence is needed for healthy bones. Essence stored in the Kidneys is transformed into bone marrow, which provides the nutrients for bone development and blood formation. When Kidney essence is abundant, the bone cavities can be fully occupied with marrow and the bones become strong. Through this process the Kidneys contribute to bone growth and reconstruction.


    Considered an extension of the bone marrow, controlled by the Kidney Jing.


    Full deep breathing is essential for complete circulation of Qi and body fluids, respiratory cleansing and health, and management of emotions and mental chatter.


    A small lateral or terminal protuberance on the stem of a plant that may develop into a flower, leaf, or shoot, as in Rose buds.

  • C

    Pearl powder contains a number of amino acids, over 30 trace minerals, and a high concentration of calcium. A pearl is composed of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which is easily assimilable if the Pearl is levigated (ground to a very fine powder).


    Having a relaxing or calming effect on the mind and the nerves.

    Camellia sinensis

    Botanical Latin name of the tea leaf, the most commonly consumed herb in the world; also known as Thea sinensis.


    Antioxidant found in tea of Camellia sinensis leaf; a type of natural phenol and antioxidant, part of the chemical family of flavonoids.

    Certified organic

    A certification process for producers of organic food and other organic agricultural products, reflecting a set of production standards for growing, storing, processing, packaging and shipping that include: avoidance of synthetic chemical inputs (e.g. fertilizer, pesticides, antibiotics, food additives), irradiation, and the use of sewage sludge.


    A term used in Indian (Ayurvedic/Yogic) thought. The seven chakras are the centers in our bodies in which energy is concentrated. Each of the chakras is a center of spiritual power in the human body. Chinese and Tibetan Yoga also recognize these centers. In Chinese Yoga, they are known as the Dantian.


    Important biological compounds that demonstrate a wide range of biological activities. According to Japanese researchers, chalcone purifies blood, strengthens the immune system and promotes metabolism. Chalcone is a primary constituent of Ashitaba, an Okinawan food used in Tonic Alchemy. 

    Chan (Zen) Buddhist tradition

    A school of Buddhism originating in China strongly influenced by Daoism. First developed by Damo (Bodhidharma) at the Shaolin Temple and now practiced around the world. 


    The easy, free flowing movement of blood, plasma and energy throughout the body and to all extremities due to the bellows actions of the lungs, the energy from the Kidneys to move upward against the force of gravity, and the coordination and vital force of the heart. 

    Cleansing, Liver and blood

    The body is profound in its design, which includes self-cleaning organs to facilitate the elimination of toxins, debris and waste from the body. Supporting those systems by maintaining full measures of body fluids and energy, or restoring those levels if depleted, allows the body to restore full functioning and balance. 

    CO2 super critical extraction technology

    Extraction process used in essential oils and herbal formulas. The relatively low temperature of the process and the stability of CO2 also allows most compounds to be extracted with little damage or denaturing. 


    An atom or molecule essential for the action of a large molecule, as in heme in hemoglobin, or magnesium in chlorophyll. 


    The traditional Asian healthcare term used to describe decreased functioning of an organ system. 


    The major protein comprising over half that the protein in mammals, the white fibers of connective tissue, cartilage, and bone. 


    The consistency and accuracy with which someone follows a regimen. 

    Compound K

    A powerful immune supporting ginsenoside (unique ginseng compound) found in Kinetic ginseng. 

    Conception vessel

    A primary energy channel of the human body. Known as the Ren Mai in Chinese, it is one of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels. These vessels regulate the energy in the 12 “meridians.” It flows along the front of the body, regulating Qi in the Yin meridians of the body.


    A tough protein secreted by mollusks, forming the organic matrix of the shell within which calcium carbonate is deposited which forms the iridescent inner layer, as mother-of-pearl, in the shells of mollusks. It is the dominant component of pearls and gives them their luster. Conchiolin is almost identical to hemoglobin and chlorophyll.


    In person/phone/ email/digital QOL 

      QuestioningThis is known as “the first method” in traditional Asian healthcare personal analysis where the practitioner asks detailed questions about the patient’s immediate health and background and more. 

      ListeningBy listening to the tone of the voice, the senior herbalist practitioner can learn enough about a person to guide them on a tonic program, even over the phone. 

      In person: 

      Questioning — Same as above. 

      InspectionGenerally the following parts are inspected: Tongue, Movement and Posture, Body Shape, Skin tone and Spirit (or outward manifestation of vital Qi ). 

      Listening and SmellingThe patient’s speech and breathing are analyzed in terms of sound and form. 

      Pulse ReadingAsian-style pulse-taking helps in judging the abundance and decline of Qi (vital energy). A normal pulse reading is smooth, even and forceful. 


    One of the main constituents found in cordyceps, a derivative of the nucleoside adenosine. 

    Cumulative benefits

    The benefits that accrue over time from any health promoting activity such as meditation, exercise, healthy diet, tonic herb consumption, etc. 


    The active constituent of Turmeric; a very strong anti-oxidant. 


    The main active compounds in turmeric; different chemical groups that have been formed to increase the solubility of curcumins. These compounds are natural phenols and produce a pronounced yellow color. 


    A broad category of small proteins that are important in cell signaling. They act through receptors, and are especially important in the immune system; modulating the balance between humoral and cell-based immune responses, and regulating the maturation, growth, and responsiveness of particular cell populations. 

  • D

    Ten fields of energy, three being primary, located along the Central Channel of the body. The Lower Dantian, also known as the Golden Stove and the Lower Cinnabar Field, the Dan Jun (Korean), the Hara (Japanese), is central to the restoration and maintenance of the Three Treasures. One can breathe into this center (located internally a couple inches below the navel) with focused intent to invigorate this center with Qi. This breathing is fundamental to Taoist meditation and Qigong. 


    Shorthand for Desktop Botanical Garden; a system of glass teaware, herbal tea blends, herbs, botanicals and superfoods for daily tea making and consumption. 


    The process of combining and cooking herbs to create a brew or a soup. 


    In Traditional Asian health care, any lack or insuficiency of Qi, blood, yin, yang or essence. 

    Desktop Botanical Garden

    A system of glass teaware, herbal tea blends, bulk teas, herbs, botanicals and superfoods for daily tea making and consumption. 

    Di Tao

    Originating from the “original source”; “authentic source.” 


    The process of transforming food through chewing, chemical and muscular action in the alimentary canal and warming that food in the stomach to about 118 degrees F. to produce a steaming, creamed soup for easy and optimal absorption of its Qi into the Spleen and its nutrients through the Small Intestine.


    Abbreviation for deoxyribonucleic acid. Considered to be the auto-reproducing component of chromosomes, and the repository of hereditary characteristics. Genes are composed of DNA. 

    Double direction/Dual direction

    When an herb possesses a dual character and supports modulation, it is said to have double direction or dual direction activity. As a result of consuming such an agent, the physiology adapts more appropriately to balance the needs of the body systems and functions. Most adaptogenic herbs possess this double direction capacity. Double direction herbs support adaptability. 


    Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 regulates both dietary ingredients and nished dietary supplement products. It is the law under which herbs and superfoods are legally manufactured, packaged, sold and distributed in the United States. The FDA is responsible for overseeing the compliance of this regulation. Issues such as accuracy of truth labeling, GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), avoidance of medical claims, organic certi cation and much more are encompassed by this law. 


    “Authentic or preferred wood”; “original wood”; “hard wood” organically cultivated variety of Reishi. Duanwood is a registered (trademarked) term of Dragon Herbs. The original term in Chinese is duanmu, which means “authentic or original wood.” 

  • E

    An organic certification organization, founded in France in 1991. It is based in Europe but conducts inspections in over 80 countries, making it one of the largest organic certification organizations in the world. 


    An acronym for a proprietary and trademarked system of low temperature and hyper-thorough herbal and superfood extraction ordered by Dragon Herbs. eeTeeTM is provided as an instantly dissolving powder easy, economical, Tea, effective, ecological


    The discharge of waste products through the bowels, the colon and large intestine. 


    An herbal substance that when consumed regularly promotes glowing health. Though most “elixirs” are liquid, an “elixir” can be a pill, powder or capsule as well. 


    According to traditional Asian health theory, the organs are related to emotional activities. See table

    Endocrine system

    The collection of glands within an organism that secrete hormones directly into the circulatory system to be carried towards distant target organs. 


    Generally translated as ‘Qi.” It reflects the vitality of any system. Energy is a fundamental property of the universe and is highly concentrated, regulated (controlled) and manifested in life forms such as humans. In Asian philosophy, this refers to the proper and natural functioning of all the elements of the body according to the climate and seasons. Also referred to as “genuine “Qi,”“vital energy,”“vital essence” or “vitality Qi.” In fact all Three Treasures are manifestations of energy (Qi). Jing is highly concentrated Qi that determines life force and lifespan, and Shen is the energy of our mind and universal consciousness. 

    Energy Tonic

    Known as “Qi tonics,” they influence the Spleen and Lung functions and help the body increase its vitality to function optimally through the enhanced absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal system and optimal absorption of Qi from the air we breathe, so that energy and blood are produced and circulate freely within the body. 


    A macromolecule that acts as a catalyst to induce chemical changes in other substances, while itself remaining unchanged by the process allowing it to recycle. 

    Essence Jing

    The concentrated substance that provides the basis of reproduction, growth, sexual power, conception and pregnancy, creativity and inner power. It is the material foundation of Qi and Shen and is stored in the Kidney system (which includes the adrenals, bone and bone marrow, brain and renal kidneys). A number of herbs can provide Jing. Essence is used up by living, especially hard living. 

    Essential oil trapping

    The manufacturing technique used in herbal extraction to preserve active constituents of essential oils. Oil traps collect the essential and aromatic oils before they are lost from the extraction system and can be crystallized or otherwise condensed to be returned to the final extract. 

    Essential oils

    Any of a class of volatile oils obtained from plants, possessing the odor and other characteristic properties of the plant. Essential oils often possess potent biological effects. 


    Generally refers to an overabundance of environmental factors such as heat, cold, damp, Yin or Yang that may manifest in the body as an extension or manifestation of the environment or lifestyle. 


    A necessary component of all dried extract powders, required during the spray drying stage to allow extraction and to prevent clumps from forming and to assure smooth flow of the machinery during encapsulation. 100% of all extracted powders contain some excipient. There are natural and unnatural (synthetic) excipients, and most producers use the latter. These excipients might include substances such as silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, etc. Dragon Herbs uses almost exclusively natural excipients such as bamboo powder, tapioca powder and rice bran powder. 

    Extraordinary Vessels (Channels)

    Considered to be storage vessels or reservoirs of energy and are not associated directly with the internal organs. The Conception & Governing Vessels both have unique meridian points, whereas the other 6 vessels share meridian points from the other major meridians. The Extraordinary Channels, also known as the Psychic Channels because they can be controlled through the Mind (Intention and Will), are the primary site of focus during Taoist Meditation, Neigong (yoga, internal exercises) and Qigong (external exercises). The Eight Extraordinary Vessels are: Conception Vessel (Ren Mai); Governing Vessel (Du Mai); Penetrating Vessel (Chong Mai); Girdle Vessel (Dai Mai); Yin Linking Vessel (Yin Wei Mai); Yang Linking Vessel (Yang Wei Mai); Yin Heel Vessel (Yin Qiao Mai); and Yang Heel Vessel (Yang Qiao Mai). 

  • F
    Fats, healthy

    Polyunsaturated fats like linoleic and linolenic acids, essential fatty acids required by but not produced in the body, and monosaturated fats. 


    An acronym for the United States Federal Drug Administration. 

    Fingerprint, chemical

    The unique combination of analytical results from a number of techniques that identifies a particular compound in a sample. The primary technology used today is known as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), a form of column chromatography that pumps a sample mixture, or analyte, in a solvent (known as the mobile phase) at high pressure through a column to analyze the makeup of the material, producing a “fingerprint.” A certified “standard” is used as the reference so that unique chemical constituents can be identified, including all active constituents and even adulterants. This is a very highly accurate method of analysis and is the gold standard. For example, if sugar were added to a berry extract, an HPLC analysis would show the adulterant. If a fake product is tested by this method, no manipulation can cover up the fake. 


    Traditional Asian healthcare term referring to the excessive Yang element. 

    First word for Demo3

    DEfinition added here


    Fingerprint Identical Transfer Technology – the most advanced herbal extraction technology in the world provides a nished extract that is virtually identical to the fingerprint of the freshly harvested herb but much more assimilable. eeTeeTM is produced by FITTTM

    Five Elements

    The ve energies which exist in nature: Wood, Earth, Metal, Water and Fire. Each one transforms and controls another to maintain a harmonious balance, aka Five Transformations (Wu Xing). All herbs can be categorized by which elements they maintain. 

    Five energies of herbs and foods

    The energetic properties of herbs and foods like energy, flavor and movement: Extreme Yin - Cold; Yin - Cool; Balanced Yin & Yang - Neutral, Yang - Warm, Extreme Yang - Hot. 

    Five flavor fruit

    Schizandra fruit, also known as Wu Wei Zi in Chinese, possesses all five flavors and thus all five elements. 

    Five Flavors — Flavors are associated with the Five Elements and Five primary organs and their counterparts:

    Pungent (Lung); Sweet (Spleen); Sour (Liver); Bitter (Heart); Salty (Kidney) 

    Five zang organs

    Five zang organs refer to the Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and Kidney. The main functions for the organs are to produce, transform, regulate and store fundamental substances such as Qi, Jing, blood and body fluids. Generally, zang organs are solid organs and also known as “Yin organs.” 


    Any of a group of organic polyphenol compounds that occur as pigments in fruit and owers and have antioxidant properties. Famous ones are resveratrol from grapes, and many other important foods such as cocoa, peanuts, tea, blueberries, parsley, and on and on. Flavonoid compounds are generally powerful antioxidants and are in ammomodulating. 

    Freeze drying

    A dehydration process typically used to preserve a perishable material, such as a superfood, food, juice, herb or herbal elixir. Freeze-drying works by freezing the material and then reducing the surrounding pressure to allow the frozen water in the material to sublimate directly from the solid phase to the gas phase. The moisture is then vacuumed away resulting in a dry powder that maintains high nutritional integrity. 

    Fruiting body

    The mushroom cap or spore- producing organ of fungus; typically referred to as the “mushroom.” 

    Fulvic acid

    Fulvic acids are humic acids of lower molecular weight and higher oxygen content than other humic acids. When consumed, they support microcirculation and many other biological functions. 

    Functional diet

    A meal plan incorporating nutritional foods, herbs and superfoods, used to maintain balance, adaptability, immunity, improve tness and contribute to wise aging and glowing health. 

  • G

    The “One Life” we know as the living Earth. 

    Gall Bladder

    In traditional Asian health care theory, the Gall Bladder stores and secretes bile produced by the Liver; and on the psychological level, the Gall Bladder rules decision-making and is related to bravery. 

    Gate of Life Yang

    Ming Men, sexual power functions.


    Gecko lizard is widely found in southern China. It is believed that the tail and the backbone of the Gecko are highly effective ingredients
    for a warming Yang tonic. It is also said to boost strength and endurance among athletes and to provide sexual energy. Gecko is also a potent Lung tonic, aiding the accumulation of Qi acquired through breathing. It thus is used to promote physical endurance. 

    Ginkgo flavone glycoside/ Ginkgolide

    Biologically active terpenic lactones present in Ginkgo biloba. It is extracted from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree found native in China. Ginkgo is a very ancient tree dating back tens of millions of years and is considered to have powerful adaptogenic and brain nourishing actions. 


    Also known as the “king of herbs” it is one of the most valued and most commonly used Chinese herbs. It is believed to help strengthen the immune system, regulate metabolism and help combat stress and fatigue. 


    A class of natural product glycosides and triterpene saponins. Compounds in this family are found almost exclusively in the plant genus Panax (ginseng); Ginsenoside content varies significantly due to environmental in uences. Ginsenosides can be found in the root, rhizome (head) and leaves of ginseng. When ginseng is freshly dried, it is called “white ginseng” and contains a range of over 30 ginsenosides. When the fresh ginseng is steamed, it turns brick red and is known as “red ginseng.” The steaming stimulates the production of ginsenoside metabolites such as Rg3, which have added important biological bene ts for the consumers. Fermentation processes used to make “kinetic ginseng” produce even more metabolites that have powerful health benefits. Some ginseng products are artificially enhanced by adding ginsenosides extracted from the rhizomes of cultivated ginseng. The ginsenosides from the rhizomes are not favored by ginseng connoisseurs because they are believed to cause agitation. Ginsenosides from roots do NOT result in agitation.

    Glowing Health

    Traditionally defined by the Taoist masters in China as “health beyond danger.” Glowing health is dependent upon one’s ability to adapt appropriately to all the stresses that one encounters in the course of one’s life. By developing a very high degree of adaptability to the many changes of life and by overcoming stressful circumstances successfully, we grow as human beings. Glowing health includes the development of environmental awareness, wisdom and higher consciousness.

    GMO; non-GMO

    Genetically modified organisms, using recombinant DNA, are generally not accepted by the herbal community. Verified avoidance and non-inclusion of GMO-produced ingredients is a pillar of high quality herbalism. Dragon Herbs does not ever use GMO ingredients. 


    The acronym for Good Manufacturing Practices; the practices required in order to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control authorization and licensing for manufacture and sale of food and supplements, providing minimum requirements to assure that the products are of high quality and do not pose any risk to the consumer or public. GMP requirements are regulated by the FDA. All herbal and food production must be done in GMP- certified facilities, in this country or any other. 

    Governing Vessel (Channel)

    One of the eight Extraordinary Vessels, also known as “Du Mai.” It runs centrally from the tip of the spinal column and reaches the head and face. This channel meets all the Yang meridians, and thus is called “the Sea of the Yang Meridians.” It is responsible for governing the Qi ow of all the Yang meridians in the body. 


    Refers to the process in which primary powder particles are made to adhere to form larger, multi-particle entities called granules. It is the process of collecting particles together by creating bonds between them. Granulation helps prevent deterioration of any powder and thus adds to the quality of powdered extracts. Granulation can be done chemically or naturally. Dragon Herbs uses no chemicals to granulate its powders. 

    Great Salt Lake (trace minerals)

    A lake in the United States (Utah) that is very mineral-rich. The salt extracted from this lake has a superb mineral content of at least 82 trace minerals, and has a wonderfully low sodium content. This mineral supplement is among the best in the world. It is used to make elixirs. 

    Guide herbs

    These herbs provide guidance for the herbs to reach the target organ and channel. They are sometimes known as “trophic herbs,” trophic meaning guiding to a target. 


    A form of saponin found in Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Gynostemma). Gypenosides are very similar to ginsenosides. In fact some are identical. They promote adaptability and support other critical functions. Gypenoside XLIX (49) is believed to be the most potent gypenoside in Gynostemma. 

  • H

    In traditional Asian healthcare, hair is thought to reflect Kidney vitality and blood quality. If Jing and blood are abundant and well-circulated, hair will appear bright, shiny and healthy. A healthy blood supply is essential for providing nutrients for hair growth. 


    The Heart organ represents a group of physiological functions. In addition to regulating the cardiovascular system, it is responsible for maintaining some of the functions of the nervous system, particularly those related to the emotions and to the mind. The Heart is the Seat of Shen. Asian herbalism is rich in heart-healthy herbs that support every aspect of heart health. 

    Holistic concept of Traditional Asian healthcare

    Based on the belief that everything in the universe and on earth is interdependent and mutually interactive. Man is part of the holistic entity, and should be analyzed or interpreted with reference to the whole. Traditional Asian healthcare is a holistic approach to maintaining glowing health by encouraging balance in all aspects of one’s life and by nurturing optimized adaptability to the external environment. This concept emphasizes integrity of the body-mind-spirit and its relationship with the outer world. 


    The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its internal processes. 


    High Profile Liquid Chromatography – a form of herbal fingerprint analysis, a technique in analytical chemistry used to separate, identify, and quantify each component in a mixture. 

    Hyaluronic acid

    A mucopolysaccharide serving as a viscous medium in the tissues of the body and as a lubricant in joints, supporting healthy skin, eyes and joints. 

    Hydro-alcoholic extract

    A fluid extract obtained by extracting the soluble components of an herb with alcohol and water, sometimes followed by some evaporation of the solution, which is often referred to as a tincture. Hydro-alcoholic extracts often have 50% alcohol (or more), though Dragon Herbs hydro-alcoholic extracts are all in the 23- 34% range. The alcohol preserves the extract,and maintains the alcohol-soluble components in solution. Tinctures are said to go to both the Spleen and Liver. 


    Denoting the property of attracting or associating with water molecules, possessed by polar radicals or ions; therefore tending to dissolve in water. For example, all eeTee formulations are hydrophilic. 

  • I
    Immune system

    Known as Wei Qi in Traditional Asian healthcare, the body’s natural protective system and its repair ability; the human immune system has three basic functions: defense, surveillance and homeostasis. 

  • J

    Jing is one of the Three Treasures of life and is stored significantly in the Kidney-related tissues, and is considered a fluid-like substance essential for life. It is needed for reproduction, growth, development and maturation. As one grows older, Jing naturally decreases. It can be replenished with Jing tonifying herbs. 

  • K

    Reciprocation; the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences; destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. Negative Karma can be cleared away by positive actions and Positive Karma can be clouded over by negative actions. 


    Stores the essence (Jing) and is the root of Yin and Yang for the entire body-mind. All the inherited constitutional potential of the individual is contained within the Kidney as well as the most essential aspects for maintaining homeostasis. The Kidney is called the “root of life.” 


    Kimchi is a traditional Korean food manufactured by fermenting vegetables with probiotic lactic acid bacteria. It is believed to contain hundreds of beneficial gut microbes. 

    Klotho gene

    The Klotho gene produces a transmembrane protein that, in addition to other effects, provides some important and nearly universal control over the sensitivity of the organism to insulin and appears to be involved in aging. 

  • L

    The calming counterpart to caffeine found in tea leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush. L-Theanine is an amino acid that promotes focused attention without causing drowsiness. It is very safe. 

    Lanostane triterpenoids

    A type of strongly aromatic terpene, found in Reishi and other tonic fungi. 

    Law of Yin & Yang

    A conceptual framework for observing and analyzing the material world and the organic structure of the human body: activities and functions relate to Yang, while the physical forms pertain to Yin, providing the material basis for function, while functions are the creative and supporting power of physical forms. All “systems,” microscopic or beyond galactic, operate cyclically. The Law of Yin and Yang describes these cycles. Yang is the stage of creation, expansion and utilization of Yin, and Yin is the stage of storage and contraction. 


    Qi, blood and body fluids are precious substances for normal life activities and excessive draining of the body’s fundamental substances will substantially affect health. Jing in particular can “leak” from the body through stress, excessive behavior, hard living, lack of nourishment and rest, excessive sexual activity relative to one’s capacity, overwork and so on. One of the first principles of traditional Asian healthcare, Taoist health practice and tonic herbalism is to stop “leaking” from occurring and restoring the energy that has been lost. 


    To grind to a fine powder, as in a mortar, with or without the addition of a liquid; for example, pearl is ground into a very fine powder through levigation in water. 


    Responsible for a number of important body functions, including the production and excretion of bile, which is used to break down fat, and the detoxification of blood. According to traditional Asian healthcare, the Liver’s functions include vision health, control of the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system (the part of the nervous system over which a person does not have voluntary control), and some aspects of the circulatory system, libido and creativity, among others. 

    Low temperature depressurized vacuum drying

    A method of distillation whereby the pressure above the liquid mixture to be distilled is reduced to less than its vapor pressure (usually less than atmospheric pressure) causing evaporation of the most volatile liquid(s), (those with the lowest boiling points). Vacuum distillation is used with or without heating the mixture. 


    In traditional Asian healthcare, the Lungs extract Qi and atmospheric gases (especially oxygen) from the air and expel waste gases from the body back into the atmosphere (CO2); control the skin; and help regulate fluid metabolism, blood circulation, the autonomic nervous system and the immune system. The skin possesses numerous sensory cells that help maintain homeostasis. 

  • M

    A short-chain starch sugar used as a food additive; a polysaccharide compounded of dextrin and maltose, produced from starch, used as a food additive and in some health and beauty products; Maltodextrin is also sometimes taken as a supplement in powder form by bodybuilders and other athletes, as it is a quickly digestible carbohydrate that supplies the body with enough energy to engage in protein synthesis after workouts. It may be made from maize and other grains, and it is sometimes made from GMO grains. Dragon Herbs uses only non-GMO corn in the production of maltodextrin, which is used in a few of its powders. 

    Master Sung Jin Park

    Korean Daoist Master; venerated true teacher of Ron Teeguarden in the Art of Glowing Health, Taoist Yoga and Tonic Herbalism — the basis of Ron’s teaching today. Sung Jin Park currently resides in Korea in a remote location. He is a Grand Master with thousands of students, including the president of Korea. He is “Keeper of Rites” of the Kook Sun Do Taoist sect, the oldest Taoist tradition in Korea, dating back over two thousand years. Ron Teeguarden is his primary disciple in America. Ron took his vows from Master Park in 1976, committing to cultivate 10 true Taoist masters. Master Park bestowed the title of “Dan-O Sun Sha” upon Ron in 2009. The literal meaning of Ron’s name: Dan means “Elixir of Life,” O means “Spiritual Enlightenment” and Sun Sha means “Taoist Master” (Kook Sun Do Sect). 


    Any of a class of insoluble pigments, found in all forms of animal life that account for the dark color of skin, hair, fur, scales, feathers, etc., which is a beneficial component of Chaga. 


    Meridians are the major pathways through which the Qi flows. There are 12 meridians in the meridian system, linked in a continuous circuit. All meridians contain Qi at all times, but the Qi flows as a wave so that a particular meridian is always dominating within a 24 hour period. Acupuncture and acupressure are based on relieving energy blockages in the meridians. By supporting abundant Qi flowing freely through the meridians, yoga and Qigong play a key role in maintaining glowing health. The 8 Extraordinary Vessels regulate the 12 meridians by serving as reservoirs with dykes that can be opened and closed as required. 

    Metabolites, bio-active

    Biological molecules, the intermediates and products of metabolism, have various functions, including fueling, supporting structurally, signaling, stimulating and inhibiting enzymes, catalytic activity of their own (usually as a cofactor to an enzyme), defense, and interactions with other organisms (e.g. pigments, odorants, and pheromones). A primary metabolite is directly involved in normal “growth,” development, and reproduction. 


    The flow of blood or lymph through the smallest vessels of the body, especially the venules, capillaries and arterioles. Microcirculation plays a key role in the maintenance of health and function of the body and mind. There are estimated to be about 200 thousand miles of these small vessels in the typical human body. The microcirculation provides nutrients to every cell of the body and removes waste from the same. The brain alone requires about 10 gallons of blood per hour, all distributed in the end through the microcirculation. Microcirculation can be enhanced with herbs, superfoods, Qigong, meditation and yoga. 

    Minister Herbs

    In an herbal combination, the minister herbs support the monarch herb in performing its major action on the body. 

    Miron glass bottles

    Violet glass known since Egyptian times to be the most effective and protective storage for any product that has a high sensitivity to light as it can preserve its contents, with minimal or no degradation, for long periods of time, and actually enhances the e ectiveness of its contents. 


    A chemical compound that constitutes a glycoside of cucurbitane derivatives, which are found in certain plants, such as the fruit of the gourd vine Luo Han Guo (Siraitia grosvenorii); pure mogroside extract from the Luo Han Guo fruit is approximately 300 times sweeter than sugar. Mogroside is also a very potent immune modulator. 

    Monarch Herbs

    A.k.a. ‘King herbs,’ the principal herb or herbs in a combination, performing the primary and leading effect in the herbal combination. A potent herbal combination typically contains one to two monarch herbs. 


    The fungal mass from which the mushroom fruiting body grows. Mycelia generally grow underground and dominate the forest underground. Mycelium from different plants communicate with one another, unifying forests into an integrated whole. In some cases, the mycelium can be a potent health supporting herb. Prime examples include Cordyceps and Poria, wonderful tonic herbs that promote immune competency. 

  • N
    Natural Killer (NK) cell

    A type of lymphocyte, critical to the innate immune system, which has the ability to provide rapid response. 

    Nerve Growth Factor (NGF)

    A biological substance produced by the human body that is both essential and the most potent growth factor in the development and survival of some kinds
    of neurons in both the central and peripheral nervous systems. NGF can impact both growth and repair (regeneration) of nerve tissue. Certain herbs and superfoods can stimulate the function of NGF; NGF has also been found to be positively linked to the experience of emotional and romantic love in humans. 

    Nuclear factor kappa-B

    A protein complex that controls transcription of DNA, cytokine production and cell survival which is found in almost all animal cell types and is involved in cellular responses to stimuli. Most longevity researchers agree that, though NFkB is important for survival, in general people are healthiest when there is not too chronic an over-expression of this molecule, as does naturally occur in most people as they age. Many herbs reduce the expression of NFkB, most notably Gynostemma, Curcumin, Astragalus and Goji. Actually, most tonic herbs reduce expression of NFkB. 


    A functional food or an isolated derivative from an herb or food known as beneficial to health and longevity. Examples would include Astragaloside IV from Astragalus root, Resveratrol from grape skin, L-Theanine from green tea, and so on. In herbalism and dietary supplementation, these nutraceuticals are usually consumed in combination with the other constituents of the herb or superfood. 

  • O
    Oil Trap

    A device used in state-of-the-art extraction processes that capture escaping aromatic oils so that they are not lost into the atmosphere. It is the goal of cutting edge extraction technology to optimally capture and preserve all the active constituents of a substance, especially the essential oils which are often primary active agents. 

    ORAC value

    Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is a method of measuring antioxidant capacity in a biological sample. The higher the ORAC value, the stronger the substance is as an antioxidant. The caveat is that antioxidants often target certain types of free radicals and tissues, so ORAC is just a tool, not a final goal. 

    Organically grown

    Organic herbs, foods and other produce are grown and processed without the
    use of chemicals. By definition, an organic product cannot contain any GMO (genetically modified organism) ingredients. FDA strictly enforces organic claims. Various independent agencies oversee organic certification around the world. Well known and excellent agencies that provide organic certification include Ecocert (probably the world leader, in 80 countries) and OCIA (Organic Crop Improvement Association), Rainforest Alliance, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture, California Certified Organic Farmers, Soil Association Organic (UK) and others of equal competency. 


    In traditional Asian healthcare there are five major Yin organs that cover a wide range of systems and functions in the body: the Heart, Liver, Spleen, Lung and Kidney. Each of these organs possesses their own Qi or energy. Organs are associated with meridians, which are channels that flow all over the body externally and internally, providing Qi to various tissues or secondary but essential organs. 

  • P
    Penetrating Vessel

    Also known as the Central Channel (Zhong Mai) — an energy channel that runs inside the body from the perineum (a point between the legs) to the crown of the head, in front of the spine and through the brain. It is one of the 8 Extraordinary Vessels that act as primary reservoirs of energy for the body. The 10 primary energy centers of the human body all lay along the Penetrating Vessel. It is a major focus of Asian meditation. Indian yoga recognizes 8 energy centers along this vessel which are called chakras. In Chinese they are called Dantian. In Korean the Dan Jun. 


    A predigestion enzymatic process that creates and liberates valuable compounds within grasses and superfoods, including enzymes, antioxidants, beta glucans, phytosterols and bio- active metabolites. “Predigestion” (fermentation with lactic acid microbes) enhances the nutritional value of food while making it much easier to digest. Generally, PEPTM significantly increases the number of metabolites available to the body. 

    Phase 1 and Phase 2 detoxification

    The phase1/ phase2 detoxification system of the human body filters toxins in various organs (primarily the liver) where the toxin is partially neutralized and then either stored (forever) or it is carried from the liver, through the blood stream, to the excretory system for elimination from the body. This system is, unfortunately, porous and often ineffective. It is dangerous to eliminate these toxins because they can do damage on the way out if the toxin is too virulent. The herb Schizandra chinensis is a highly effcient phase1/phase2 detoxifier. Since the body lacks efficient innate phase1/phase2 detoxification, extrinsic detoxifiers like Schizandra can well be considered “essential” since our bodies are now required to deal with the overwhelming quantity of organic toxins (xenobiotics) entering our bodies due to modern industrialization and inefficient sewage disposal. 


    The phenome is the complete set of observable properties of an organism under the continued influences of genetic as well as environmental factors. Features such as hair color, eye color, facial shape and body build are typical examples of the human phenome. The condition and state of health of the cells, organs and systems of the body are reflected in the phenome. Although initially determined genetically, the phenome is markedly influenced throughout life by the environment 


    The phenotype of an individual organism is its total physical appearance and constitution or a specific manifestation of a trait, such as size, eye color, or behavior that varies between individuals. The combined influence of the genome and the environment manifests as the phenome. 


    A derivative of ground black pepper, scientifically validated as the world’s first bio- enhancer that increases the bioavailability and bio-e cacy of active substances with which it is combined without having any activity of its own, as in Activated Curcumin. 

    PlantCap® capsules

    The trade name for vegan capsules made from fermented tapioca documented as the most digestible of all capsules. PlantCapTM capsules are not only easy on the digestive system, but can be added to blender drinks without opening since they dissolve within seconds. They are recognized as extremely safe. 


    A type of antioxidant found in a wide array of phytochemical-bearing foods including red wine, chocolate, black tea, white tea, green tea, olive oil and many whole grains. 


    Complex sugars compounds commonly found in mushrooms and roots. Many polysaccharides can play important roles in human health, particularly related to immune functionality.


    A generally non-digestible food ingredient that promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and functions as food for existing good bacteria.

    Precious Fluid

    Saliva is known in Asian yoga as the “precious fluid” and is the focus of attention during meditation and eating. Chewing one’s food well stimulates saliva flow


    Probiotics are good bacteria introduced into the gut. Probiotic microbes, after being introduced into the gut, can grow into rich colonies that perform a myriad of beneficial functions in the body. Research clearly shows that probiotics improve health and cognition. The typical human gut should contain between 250 and 400 different species of microbes, most of which are considered highly beneficial. Living fermented foods such as kimchi, miso, sauerkraut and real pickles provide probiotics. Probiotics can also be consumed as dietary supplements. Many researchers agree that variety is key.


    Members of the proanthocyanidins (or condensed tannins) class of flavonoids with high antioxidant properties.

    Proteolytic enzyme

    A digestive enzyme that promotes the breakdown of protein; examples include bromelain, pepsin, and trypsin.

    Pu-erh teas

    A special variety of fermented and aged dark tea produced in Yunnan province, China, produced in a centuries-old tradition, involving microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves after they have been dried and rolled. Aging is a key production factor in Pu-erh tea-making. First the tea leaves are collected from old trees, many of which are over 100 years old and some are even a thousand years old. Then the tea is fermented by an ancient technique and this fermented tea is aged for years. Three years is common, 10 years is excellent, 50 years or more is sublime.

    Pullulan capsule

    A vegan capsule prepared from fermented tapioca that is easily and immediately digested in the stomach. These capsules dissolve quickly in warm water or in a blender.

    Pure Yield

    The herbal material is extracted using sophisticated modern technology, without any attempt to alter the finished product. The resulting extract is called a pure yield extract. If an attempt is made to alter the finished products makeup, it is called a standardized extract.

  • Q

    Commonly translated as “energy,” Qi is an essential and fundamental concept in traditional Asian healthcare that pertains to the vital energy that flows throughout and around the body of all living things (and even through and around inanimate things). It is collected in the human body from the environment by the harmonious interaction of Yin and Yang energies. It is also produced as human Qi within the human body. Qi is said to circulate throughout the body via the meridian system 361 times daily, providing the organs and tissues with the vitality required for living and functioning. Qi is one of the Three Treasures - Jing, Qi and Shen.

    Qi Stagnation

    Qi normally mobilizes around the body; when Qi (energy) stagnates, it creates imbalances and pain.

    Qi tonic

    Qi tonic herbs increase physiological energy production and enhance the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal system to yield energy and blood. Some Qi tonics enhance breathing and respiratory function, especially in the lungs, causing the body to extract Qi from the air we breathe.


    A set of exercises including meditative and physical movements used to move Qi, thereby maintaining and regaining physical, emotional and spiritual health.

  • R
    Rasayana herb

    A term from Ayurvedic health arts meaning ”lifespan lengthening.”


    A type of natural phenol produced naturally by several plants such as grapes, blueberries, raspberries and mulberries in response to injury or when the plant is under attack. Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant that has shown benefits in animals and humans as a dietary supplement by regulating cellular metabolism to approximate a state of reduced dietary caloric intake.

    Rg3, Rb1

    Potent ginsenosides generated through fermentation or in the process of making red ginseng.


    A specialized stem which grows horizontally at or just below the soil surface which acts as a storage organ and the means of propagation in some plants; stems on rhizomous plants emerge from the rhizome.


    The part of a plant body that typically develops and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture. Many tonic herbs and foods are roots.


    Small root or division of a root; Ginseng ‘beard’ is an example of rootlets.

  • S

    Saponins are glycosides of plant origin characterized by the properties of foaming in water. Saponins are like soap in that they bond to both water and oil (grease). Many of the major tonic herbs possess saponins, including Gynostemma (gypenosides), Ginseng (ginsenosides), Astragalus (astragalosides), Eleuthero (eleutherosides), etc.

    Secondary metabolites

    Organic compounds that often play an important role in plant defense.


    In traditional Asian philosophy Shen is translated as “spirit” and refers to the mind, consciousness, the force of the personality and the connection to the spiritual aspects of humanness, which include the zest for life, charisma, the ability to exhibit self-control, to be responsible, to speak coherently, to think and form ideas and live a happy, spiritually fulfilled life. Shen is centered in the mind and heart.

    Shen tonic

    a substance, herb or superfood that nourishes the ‘spirit’ through benefitting the blood, heart, cardiovascular system, brain health and balanced mental functions. Some Shen tonics have demonstrated the ability to profoundly relax the nervous system, calm the mind and support relaxed focus and these are generally known as Shen stabilizers.


    Superoxide Dismutase, a powerful antioxidant produced within the human body. It is one of the human body’s three innate super-antioxidants. Several kinds of SOD are produced in the body.


    In western physiology, the spleen is a large, vascular, lymphatic organ which acts as a reservoir and filters the blood and plays a role in early life blood production. In traditional Asian healthcare, the Spleen assists with digestion, blood coagulation and fluid metabolism in the body. It includes the functions of the Pancreas. It is largely responsible for producing Qi from food and drink.

    Spotted deer

    The rare and revered smaller Sika deer, also known as the “flower deer” native to northeastern Asia, especially Manchuria, Korea and Japan. The deer antler derived from spotted deer is considered superior to other sources of deer antler, including red deer and mallow (horse) deer, which are also widely used in the herbal industry.

    Spray Drying

    A specialized herb drying process through a high-speed granulation process and/ or low temperature depressurized vacuum drying, using digitally controlled extraction, temperature and pressure regulators. This advanced technology prevents the loss of active constituents and original qualities of a substance. Most Dragon Herbs extracted powders are prepared by spray drying.


    A blockage or buildup of Qi or blood that prevents it from flowing freely; when the source of Qi and blood is full, it flows smoothly and freely and fully nourishes the body.


    The male reproductive part of a flower, which usually consist of a long slender stalk, the filament, with the anthers at the tip, such as Carthamus or Saffron.


    An established standard of size, weight, quality, or concentration which, in herbalism, can be used to suggest potency of the herb.


    In TCM, the stomach, known as “the sea of food and fluid,” is responsible for “receiving” and “ripening” ingested food and fluids, where Qi and enzymatic fluids decompose it into materials to be further digested and absorbed in the Small Intestine.


    Any factor that disrupts physiological or psychological equilibrium and harmony. Adaptogenic herbs help reduce stress responses by adjusting physiological and psychological responses so that balance of body and mind can be maintained.


    The hundred or so nutrient-rich foods with the highest nutritional impact for our bodies and lives which are considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Many societies and civilizations have featured a superfood as a central part of their culture. Examples: olive oil in the Mediterranean region, cocoa in South and Central America, ashitaba in Okinawa, kimchi in Korea, goji in China, and so on.

  • T
    Tai Chi (or Taiji)

    Taijiquan (literally, the “supreme ultimate fist” or “supreme ultimate boxing art”) is a set of smooth, flowing exercises used to improve or maintain health, create a sense of relaxation and keep qi flowing.

    TaiJi Wild Chinese Ginseng

    Fresh, ancient, wild ginseng roots from Changbai Mountain, all of which are at least 35 years old, many are 60-70 years old; this ginseng is the pure manifestation of Tao.


    One of the most abundant constituents of the root of Salvia miltiorrhiza which exerts antioxidant actions.


    The ancient Chinese concept of oneness in all creation and the cyclical nature and inherent balance in Nature and all forms of energy; of or relating to the philosophical system developed by Laozi (Lao Tzu) and Zhuangzi (Chuang-tzu) advocating a simple honest life in harmony with nature. Taoism is the Path of Tao. It is fundamentally non-religious, but in various subcultures in Asia can have entire pantheons of Gods and immortals. A Taoist is a practitioner of a religious or philosophical tradition of Chinese/ Korean origin with an emphasis on living in harmony with, and in accordance with, the natural flow or cosmic order of the universe.


    The end caps of chromosomes which protects the chromosome from deterioration or from fusion with neighboring chromosomes, and which tend to shorten with normal aging.


    Terpenes and terpenoids are the primary constituents of the essential oils of many types of plants, and mushrooms.

    Th1/Th2 cytokines

    Bioactive chemicals in immune cells.


    Vitamin B1, richly found in Pine nuts.

    Three burning spaces (San Jiao)

    A special concept in Traditional Asian Healthcare, considered a collective term related to the activities of Qi and the movement of water as the passage through which water, food and fluid are transported. The Huang Di Nei Jing (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine) says, “The triple burner is the controller of the entire circulation of body fluid.”


    A polyphenol similar to resveratrol found in He Shou Wu.

    Thymus gland

    A primary lymphoid organ, located on top of the heart. Though it appears to involute as one ages, it remains necessary throughout life for the normal development of immunologic function.


    A liquid extract made from herbs processed and extracted in both alcohol and water. Dragon Herbs often refers to them as “Drops.”

    Tincture Dropperful

    A dropperful is the amount of liquid that fills the glass tube of the dropper when the bulb on the dropper top is squeezed and released a few times, equal to approximately 30 drops.

    Tincture Squirt

    — The amount of liquid that is drawn into the glass tube of a dropper when the bulb is squeezed exactly ONCE. This is the best way to measure tincture usage for Dragon Herbs products. Most Dragon Herbs “Drops” (tinctures, 2 fl. oz.) contain 80 “squirts,” give or take 1 squirt. Each squirt is roughly equivalent to one capsule of an equivalent powdered extract.

    Tip of the antler

    The very last ¼ to 1 inch of the growing antler tip, rich with blood enriching nutrients and progenitor cells. The tips contain at least 90% of the active constituents of the entire antler because this is the part that is still growing.

    Tonic Bliss Teas

    Individual super-tonic herbs combined with carefully blended bases of teas, flowers and herbs for deliciously flavorful brews of tonic herbal delight.

    Tonic Herbs

    Those substances, plants or food sources that meet the following criteria: profound health promotion, free of negative side effects and safe for daily consumption on a long-term basis, which enhance longevity with vitality, contribute to mental, spiritual, and emotional balance and growth, and taste relatively good.


    A method to sustain and restore the harmony of the body through nourishment, support or strengthening and restoration of the balance of Qi, blood, Yin and Yang, or organ function of the human body.

    True Qi

    Also called human Qi, this is the Qi used in the human body. The raw Qi that is extracted by our Lungs from the air combines with the raw Qi that is extracted from the foods and herbs obtained through ingestion. When these two raw Qi combine, they start to flow through the human body, via the meridians and vessels, as True Qi.


    An enlarged portion of an underground stem which stores food for the plant; He Shou Wu is a tuber.

  • U
    Upright Qi

    The vital energy of the body that holds muscles and organs in place and provides vigor and upright erect posture. Antigravitational vitality.


    United States Department of Agriculture

  • V
    Vacuum drying

    The operation in which the moisture present in a substance, usually wet solid, is removed by means of creating a vacuum.

    Velvet antler

    The whole cartilaginous antler in a pre-calcified growth stage covering a growing antler. During the growing stage, deer antler is covered by a fine coating of hair that feels like velvet, thus the term. The “velvet” itself is not a functional herbal material. The functional material is inside the bony or cartilaginous surface. In fact, the velvet is removed before extraction.

    Vital Gate

    Also known as “the Gate of Life” is acupoint region on the lower back that is considered to be linked to the Yang origin of the human body, the Golden Stove, reflecting the functioning of Kidney Yang; also known as Ming Men.

    Vitamin C

    Valuable antioxidant with multiple functions.

  • W
    Wei Qi

    Refers to “defensive energy” which protects the body from invasion by external pathogenic factors. Wei Qi resides in the skin.


    World Health Organization


    The practice of harvesting uncultivated plants from their natural, or “wild,” habitat, especially from wilderness areas. Ethical considerations are often involved, such as protecting endangered species, potential for depletion of commonly held resources, and in the context of private property, preventing theft of valuable plants (for example, ginseng). So when wild harvesting poses difficulties to the plants, collectors and/or environment, wild-crafting can be a solution. In this case, humans plant the seeds in the wild and allow the plant to grow without human interaction. The result is an herb that is often indistinguishable from a wild plant, but has caused no harm.

    Will Power

    The “fourth Treasure” called Zhi which is considered essential for clarity of mind, strength of purpose, personal growth and spiritual evolution.


    One of six factors that can cause health disharmony, usually combined with one of the other negative factors such as cold, heat, dampness or dryness, which depend on “wind” to enter the body.

  • X
    Xu Guojun

    Professor emeritus at the China Pharmaceutical University; recognized in China as the greatest Chinese herbologist of the 20th century. Analyzed the herbal constituents of thousands of herbs, including the emperor’s formulation found in the Han Dynasty Tomb (over 2000 years old). Professor Xu was the mentor of Professor Wang Zhengtao, Editor of the English Edition of the Pharmacopeia of the Peoples Republic of China. Professor Xu declared Ron Teeguarden to be a “Master Herbalist” in 1993 with Professor Wang as witness.


    A natural phytonutrient pure white crystalline granule with a sweet refreshing taste derived from renewable and sustainable non-GM corn cobs. Xylitol does not require insulin to be metabolized. It is used to abate biofilms such as the plaque that grows on teeth. The human body produces its own xylitol every day.

  • Y

    The energy of growth, expansion, power, warmth, regeneration and outward expression; representing heat and the body’s ability to generate and maintain circulation. Yang energy is associated with full libido and athletic power.

    Yang tonics

    Herbs which primarily support Yang Jing Kidney functions and generally have a warm or hot nature, and promote mental creativity, sexual power, active metabolism, muscular strength and structural integrity .


    The energy of contraction, accumulation and storage. In traditional Asian healthcare, Yin stands for coolness and the bodily fluids that moisten and nourish the organs and tissues, and is defined as the accumulation and storage of energy and nutritive materials. Yin materials of the body tend to be the unsolidified components of the body such as Jing, blood, saliva and sexual fluids.

    Yin tonic

    Yin tonic herbs nourish the Yin tissues and fluids of the body and most particularly those in the organs associated with the Kidneys known as the Yin Jing.


    In Asian philosophy, the two mutually interdependent properties that represent the duality of everything; polar factors constantly interacting as both a complementary and opposing interaction, the result of which is the production of Qi. They bloom separately in cycles, first one dominating then the other. Thus all systems in nature throughout the universe and on earth flow cyclically, sometimes contracting and storing energy (Yin phase) and sometimes expanding and releasing energy (Yang phase).